The Collaborative WIN Process
The Collaborative WIN Process is a positive-driven system of interacting with ourselves and with others in the negotiating and resolution of conflicts and in leadership and management roles which improves relationships, results in long lasting and creative resolutions, and leaves everyone feeling good about the process, the results, themselves and each other
The foundation of the Collaborative WIN Process begins with understanding others and respecting them for who they are, proceeds with building rapport and increasing the level of trust which leads to the most important building block: the establishment and improvement of relationships.
The measure for all decisions and agreements is always the level of interest satisfaction of ourselves and all others concerned with the conflict, directly and indirectly.
It integrates concepts, skills and tools in eight areas:
- Negotiating with Ourselves to realize:
better decisions for ourselves in our professional and personal lives leading to a truly balanced and satisfied life;
- Doing the “Dance” using Collaborative Skills and Techniques to teach others:
new steps in the traditional positional “Dance” arriving at better agreements for ourselves and the other party more efficiently while improving the relationship;
- Collaborative WIN Negotiations to achieve:
a creative and committed resolution with a high level of personal interest satisfaction and simultaneously a satisfactory interest satisfaction for others while improving the relationship for the future;
- Collaborative Communication to create:
a true dialogue between the parties, with mutual understanding, mutual respect, and a free flow of information;
- Positive Use of Power to establish:
a sense of empowerment for all parties, a feeling of control by each party over their own lives, and improved relationships;
- Team Building to realize:
efficient meetings and decision making with synergy, positive motivation, quality decisions, and ownership by all;
- Leadership and Management to lead to:
increased productivity, excellence, dedication, loyalty and improvement; and
- Ethics to always have:
just and fair decisions and agreements.
